
Monday, January 25, 2016

When in doubt, chart it out

    Very little feels within your control when you have been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for a long time, least of all your own body. You marvel at how easy it is for everyone else around you (although I am learning only after starting this blog, that I was far from alone in my pain.) I did find one thing however, that not only gave me a sense of understanding and control but also eventually gave me the answer that I had been searching for.

    About 6 months into our endeavor, I began to worry. While I had fully expected to get pregnant as soon as I decided I wanted to, I also knew that it was normal to have to put in a little effort. I wasn't a teenager anymore and my eggs were a bit more hard boiled than ideal. So, as any well educated individual would do, I began to look up blogs of random strangers whom I had never met and knew nothing of their background or motivations to help me to determine my next step. And I thank you now, blog reader for returning the favor. In all fairness, these blogs were a lifesaver. Not only were they a comfort emotionally... I'm not alone. But I did actually gain a wealth of knowledge from this band of sisters who had been in my shoes over the years and had generously decided to share the results of their legwork in trial and error.

    I learned the codes for things. LO means “little one.” 2WW is “two week wait” or the Luteal phase of a cycle. AF is “aunt flo” meaning a period or if you're super fancy (or age appropriately mature), your menstruation. I learned that the cute little emoticons of a smiley face with wings represent babies who have passed either through miscarriage, stillbirth or as infants, and that a “rainbow baby” is a baby that is born following one of these losses. I learned that at one moment you can be reading a silly post recommending standing on your head after DTD (“doing the deed”) and the next find yourself crying tears of sympathy for a post written by a mother who had suffered her forth miscarriage in a row. I read about women who got pregnant very easily over and over again, only to suffer the loss of those pregnancies over and over. In those moments I felt grateful that I had at least been spared that pain. I couldn't then and still now can't even imagine what they must go through each time they experience that loss. My heart absolutely breaks for them.

    I fell into the category of women with a completely different issue. We were women who had never in all our years actually seen a positive pregnancy test, never even had a pregnancy scare. This concerned me. Even though I had always been careful, and even though always within the confines of a serious, monogamous relationship, I had had a lot of sex from the age if 18 to 33. Based on odds alone I felt like I should have had at least a scare at some point. But never. My period always came early it seemed. It was always a surprise. What had seemed like nothing of note for the majority of my life, now began to reveal itself as a real issue. Something was wrong.

    I've never trusted doctors. I'm not sure where this distrust of them came from, but I will tell you working in a hospital didn't help... So I knew I wanted to avoid the medical route as much as possible. At least at first. About a year into my adventures in blogs I had come across quite a few women who had found success with acupuncture. If you aren't aware of this alternative medical practice, it is the key component of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves having thin needles inserted into the body at different acupuncture points to achieve various medical outcomes, most often pain relief. Yet, a number of women have successfully utilized acupuncture to achieve pregnancy by improving the body functions that regulate fertility. I was game. 100 percent.

    My experience with acupuncture was a very good one. I never felt calmer than after I left a treatment and while it wasn't successful for me, I believe that if my schedule (and wallet) would have allowed for more frequent treatments it could have helped. I did gain one huge step in the right direction from this treatment, however. My acupuncturist suggested that I begin charting. This was the single best advice that I had gotten from anyone during this time, and while I didn't chart seriously for another couple of months, she had planted the seed.

    I knew of charting. I knew it was a thing people did. I had seen the pathetic, middle aged TV characters who joked about their temperatures and needing to have sex that minute due to their temperatures changing. All I knew about charting was that I didn't want to be that. I didn't want to be that woman. That woman who made sex a job. Well, get your time card ready Jim because there's work to be done!

    But I didn't mind charting to help the acupuncturist. She needed to know where I was in my cycle for appointments. This is how she knew which acupuncture points to utilize at any given session. So she needed me to chart.

    If you are interested in charting I highly recommend “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” by Toni Weschler. Truly, it should be required reading for every woman the day they start their period. You should get that book, a box of tampons and some chocolate as a “welcome to womanhood” gift basket. It explains exactly how your body works and I can tell you, you will be shocked by what you don't know. I had no clue just how amazing and complex the reproductive system actually is. It is the end all be all book of charting and it became my bible. It is amazing the amount of information that you can gain from a seemingly simple chart.

    When charting, there are specific things that you check everyday or almost everyday. These include your basal body temperature, your cervix position and your cervical fluid, oh my! It sounds gross, and to be honest it kind of is, but the amount of information that you can gain over seeing your monthly patterns is invaluable. Sometimes things go as planned and you feel like, “hey! Look at me, ovulating right on time. Good job, ovary!” While other times, I found myself checking my cervix position and like so many Pinterest crafts, mine just didn't seem to do that. But there is real information in both of those situations that gave me an actual direction.

    Thanks to charting, I was able to determine that my fun early periods were a real issue. A luteal phase defect that had real answers and things that I could do to remedy the situation. Without charting that likely would not have been discovered due to the medical community's methods of testing and treatment. It truly made all of the difference in the world for me. While you can chart on paper, I found it easier to use an app. Fertility Friend, pictured above was the one that I chose to use but there are many other options out there. Generally they all calculate for you when they believe that you ovulated or your new cycle began based on the information that you enter.

    Charting is an interesting experience. You become very aware of yourself. There are very specific rules and guidelines to charting that make it about as unpleasant as possible without being actually painful. But you actually do get used to it. Everyday you wake up with a weird sense of anticipation almost like when you were a kid and you had an experiment to do for science class. It's not your favorite class and it kind of stresses you out and the teacher is a real bitch but you're curious to see how the experiment is going to turn out. Before even opening your eyes you pay attention to the position of your lips. Was I sleeping with my mouth open? No? Good. Then you begin barely moving the muscles that it takes to reach a silent, tired arm out from under the warm covers to the nightstand where your hand perfectly finds it's target yet again. Your basal body thermometer. The one that Amazon says is the most accurate out there and it has to be true because a woman in a blog from 2012 says this is the one she used when she conceived her miracle baby. Opening your lips just the sliver that it takes to fit in the tip of the thermometer you wait for that sweet beep. Those 30 silent seconds are filled with questions of your future. What will those little digital numbers have in store for you today?

     Beeeeeeep. You leap from the bed as if on fire and gaze at the tiny numbers on the gray screen. Your resting body temperature. A wealth of knowledge some days and a crusher of dreams on others. I loved temping. I felt it gave me a sense of control where I had none. I also feel that it saved my marriage. It allowed for days that you really don't feel like having baby making sex, or any kind the of sex at all frankly. It allowed for downtime. I knew the days that it was important to do the deed and the days when we could just relax and be us.

     Your temperature will be low right up until you ovulate. After an egg is released, your temperature will spike (known as a thermal shift) anywhere between approximately 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit to a full degree. Some lucky ladies may also get a brief warning temperature dip the day before to really accentuate this rise. Your temperature will stay high until the first day of your next cycle when it abruptly drops back to normal along with all of your hopes and dreams for the future... or it doesn't.

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