
Thursday, February 11, 2016

And the day came, when she sprouted a bean...

     Today my baby boy turns seven months old. This past year has gone by in the blink of an eye and I can honestly say it is the happiest that I have ever been. Archer has started trying solid foods... Avocados, bananas and sweet potatoes all mixed with breast milk and looks like such a big boy sitting up in his high chair at dinnertime. My little love still wakes up around 4 times per night to eat and for snuggles, but we co-sleep so I don't mind it one bit. I think a lot of the patience that I feel with some of the less convenient parts of parenting is a healthy mix of sleep deprivation and overwhelming gratitude. I really never thought that I would get to be here. A real life mommy in the flesh.

     Because I had to try for so long to get pregnant, I can tell you anything you want to know about reproduction. Progesterone? Estrogen? Luteal phase? I could teach a class. It's the proverbial those who can, do; those who can't, teach scenario. I don't mean to brag. All I'm saying is I know my way around a fallopian tube.

     When you have tried to get pregnant for a long time without success, the idea of actually being pregnant becomes very abstract. You want it, but you can't really picture it anymore. It's like winning the lottery. You buy your ticket, you would love to win, you hope that you'll win, but you certainly don't live your life in anticipation of it. You don't spend a million dollars because you know you are going to win enough to cover it eventually. It is more of just an idea that is out there on the periphery of your actual plans, outside of your real life. Unfortunately, because I stopped really expecting to be able to get pregnant, I learned very little about being pregnant in anticipation of the event. I was too obsessed with just getting there. Whatever happened after, if it ever even happened, I was just gonna wing it.

     When I finally did see that big fat positive on a pregnancy test I was obviously overjoyed. I walked around on a cloud for a while. Well, for a day. As I began to read about early pregnancy and the countless things that can go wrong, my cloud promptly drifted back to Earth with a thud. I became terrified that it could be a blighted ovum, something that I was not even aware was a thing until I came across it by accident looking for something else. Basically, it is when you get a gestational sac that contains a yolk sac, but no embryo.  As soon as I saw that this was a possibility, I was certain that I had one. I became convinced that I was doomed to go to my first ultrasound and be told that there was nothing actually there.

     You see, when you struggle to get pregnant, that beautiful pink line is only part of the battle. The actual pregnancy becomes terrifying because you are finally so close. I couldn't imagine what I would do if that was taken away from me. I really didn't think I would be able to handle it. I am in awe of women who have lost children either during pregnancy or after they have been born and have held them in their arms. I counsel many of these women and their strength absolutely humbles me. They are a true testament to the human spirit and I feel honored to know each and every one of them.

     In anticipation of bad news, I began to reel myself and my excitement back. I wouldn't allow myself to plan for the nursery or think of baby names. I wasn't going to let myself look forward to a future that may never come. I felt that mentally, I needed to be ready for a major letdown.

     The day of my first appointment with my doctor I felt the kind of butterflies that you feel before a trip to the dentist to have a cavity filled. Definitely not excitement. I just wanted to get it over with. I spoke to my husband on the phone on my way to the office. He knew how I was feeling, although I don't think he was aware of how sure I was that would be getting bad news. He was nervous too. I went into the office and was weighed, peed in a cup, which I must say after years of practice peeing on small, plastic strips I am an absolute champ at. I could do it in the dark.  No messes here. Walking back to the exam room I passed pregnant women and nurses in the hall. I wondered how they handle bad news. Would a few nurses come back at once or would the doctor come in to give me the news? Do they walk you out to your car or just tell you in the room and leave you to yourself after? Would they ask me to call my husband to come get me or does it depend on how distraught I am? I played through every scenario that I could imagine.

     As is the case for most gynecological appointments, they had me take my pants off and sit on a “bed” that is really just a glorified, padded table for the next 45 minutes. Just me, my naked butt on cold plastic and my thoughts. I thought about how much I wished that I was pregnant. I thought about how I would react if I wasn't. I thought about wanting to call out into the hall and find out if they forgot about me but I was afraid that as soon as I stood up and had my bare ass exposed in my stupid paper gown that someone was going to walk in. I sat and sat and sat and thought and thought and thought.

     Finally, the nurse practitioner came in. She was very nice and I immediately felt comfort in her demeanor. I thought that she would probably be very good at giving bad news gently. Right away I told her of my concerns. I told her how long my husband and I had been trying and how fearful I was that there was nothing actually there. Her response was perfect. She didn't blow off my concerns, or flippantly say that she knew it was going to be fine. She listened, she made eye contact, nodded in understanding and simply said, “well, let's take a look then.”

     My first surprise of the day was that instead of pulling up a little scanner looking thing like I had seen on television, she pulled up a huge, long wand. My first thought was that “I hope she is just moving that out of the way.” But no, no she wasn't just moving it. Apparently, that early into a pregnancy this is what is necessary to see inside the womb. So, I learned something new there...

     I held my breath, waiting for her to begin the inevitable, uncomfortable task of looking for something that wasn't there. “That is your yolk sac,” she began. “And there is your baby. And it looks perfect.” She smiled down at me and I felt my entire body get warm. As her words sunk in, I allowed myself to look up at the moving black and gray screen. Through tears my eyes searched for what she was talking about. I asked her to point out to me again which shape on the screen was my baby. At the end of her slim finger, was a small little blip on the screen, shaped like a kidney bean. It was the most beautiful sight that I had ever seen.

     I practically skipped out of the office that day and called Jim immediately to share with him the good news. Finally we could get excited. I downloaded an app for my phone that would walk me through my pregnancy. It asked me to give our little one a name or a nickname. So I went with “little bean” since that is what he looked like. We called him that up until we chose an actual name, but to this day I find myself still referring to him as “Bean” on occasion.

     I would like to tell you that my worries stopped with that ultrasound, but that would not be accurate. I think that when you struggle with infertility, you can't help but wait for the disappointment of a miscarriage or other issue. It all just seems too good to be true. I walked on air again for the first few weeks after that appointment, then I began to fixate on fears of a miscarriage until I was past the 12 week mark, then came the fears of down syndrome. After that test came back clear I became fixated on a cleft lip until I learned that they could detect those from an ultrasound and he didn't have one. I worried about heart defects, I worried that he would be born with a weird birthmark of some kind, or an issue during delivery... The fears were never ending. The good news is that I learned to not let these worries get in the way of my excitement or enjoyment in the moment. This is a skill that is coming in handy now that my lovie is outside of the protection of my belly.

     Now that my little guy is here I worry about SIDS, accidents and then illness. I worry that as he gets older there will be kidnappers, rapists and bullies, and then car accidents when he starts driving, and drugs when he is a teenager. I worry about him finding love and having a happy marriage. I worry about him finding a career that he loves. I worry about neglect in his nursing home when he is an old man... The worries never do end. But when I feel fearful now I just hug my little bean even tighter and focus on how grateful I am that I have him to worry about.

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