
Thursday, April 7, 2016

An Open Letter to the Newborn Mommy

Dear Newborn mommy,
     The first breath that your new little one takes into his lungs will be his first on this Earth. He is a newborn. A newborn to this world and for the next few months absolutely everything around him is brand spanking new. Life as he knew it in your safe, warm womb will never again be the same. He will experience discomfort, cold, fear and lonesomeness for the first time. He will experience hugs, kisses, funny faces and love as well. It will be a whole new existence for him.

     The first breath that you take after giving birth is also your first. It's your first as a mommy. You are yourself a newborn of your own kind. You are a newborn mama and your whole world has changed in a flash in ways that you could never have imagined as well.

     Forevermore, the volume on the rest of the world will be permanently turned down. Your heart is now existing outside of your body and that precious little person will be the center of your universe. Things that used to be super important are now just a soft little whisper in your mind and things that used to just matter now barely even exist.

     You are going to be terrified. But that's okay. As a matter of fact, you are going to be a lot of things and they are all okay. Whatever you are feeling. It's okay. You are sharing that feeling with a million other new mothers around the world. You may not feel bonded to your baby immediately. That's okay. You may feel so tired at times that you rethink this whole mommy gig. That's okay. You may simultaneously feel at once completely alone and like you will never get another moment of privacy as long as you live. That's okay too.

     You will look at your current life situation and think, “What have I done?” I had that thought more than once and that is after trying really, really hard for a very long time to get pregnant. This was no accident. I learned what to expect, I prepared and I still had that thought at times and that's okay.

     You will be amazed at the things that come out of your body after giving birth. You are going to feel like you will never be normal ever again and to be honest, you won't be yourself again for a while. But one day, you will look in the mirror and say, “Hey, there you are” and you will be back, albeit a little saggier for the trip. But there nonetheless.

     You are going to laugh harder than you ever thought possible. You are going to cry more than you ever expected. Both are okay.

     You are going to forget what your old life as a childless person was like sooner than you expect, other than the naps. You will remember and long for those forever.

     You are going to feel like a walking sideshow everyday and you are going to look around at the other mother's around and think that they look like a Gap catalog. Believe me, everyone is living their own personal circus. Some just have better costumes than others. Every mother you see is feeling exactly the same way. Everyone is hoping that no one else notices what a freaking mess they are.

     You will be amazed at the things that you frowned upon other mommies doing before you had kids of your own, that are now a regular part of your daily routine. My child co-sleeps, has no set bedtime, crawls on floors everywhere and puts my filthy cell phone in his mouth. He and I battle and these are the battles that in less than 9 months he has won. I'm certain that I will be waving my surrender flag many more times in the future as well and I'm okay with that. You should be too. I once saw a picture of a baby laying on the floor of a mini mart while the mother stood over her fumbling with her things at the checkout counter. While I would never actually accept this practice as my own, I completely get it. I can't tell you how many times that thought has crossed my mind when I needed two hands to complete a task in public. Wouldn't ever do it... But I totally get where her mind was.

     If you are planning to breastfeed, you are going to get to the point, especially early on where you dread the next feeding. Your boobs are going to feel like they are ready to explode and your nipples will feel like they are being sliced with razors. I felt anxiety going to bed in the early days because I knew the pain that was headed my way. The only way that I got through those first six weeks (the websites are right, those are absolutely the hardest) was looking up blogs by women who assured me that at some point it does, in fact get easier. It does.  And you will get there too.

     Your first thought when picking out an outfit to wear will not be the style or the fit to your body anymore, but the ease with which you can get to your boob. You will begin to classify clothes that have “just a little bit of breast milk” on them as “still clean.”

     If you don't choose to breastfeed, then that's okay too. Because the only thing that can make being a new mommy harder is pressure. Pressure from family, pressure from husbands, pressure from yourself. If you start a practice and realize that it's not for you for whatever reason, then stop. That's okay too. We live in a time of options. Use whatever option you need to maintain your sanity.

     Newborn mommy, you are going to learn to do EVERYTHING with one hand. You are going to be amazed at how adaptable you actually are.

     You will leave the house satisfied that you have only one small, barely noticeable spot of human bodily fluid on you. You will be amazed how many human bodily fluids you can have on you before you will consider changing your outfit.

     You are going to poop and pee when it is convenient rather than when nature calls. Nature is going to get pissed at you for ignoring so many of her calls. The majority of your conversations will now contain the words “poop” and “pee” and detailed descriptions of each.

     You are going to forget to eat. You are going to forget to brush your teeth. You will find yourself up at hours that you haven't seen since your college drinking days. These evenings will include the same amount of vomit, but significantly less alcohol.

     Your plans of organization and schedules are going to fall by the wayside much faster than you expected and much sooner than you are willing to admit to others. You are going to feel like you are failing much of the time. Know that you are not. Know that it's okay to feel that way.

     You are going to be the busiest that you have ever been in your life, yet accomplish less than you ever have. You will proudly review your day, patting yourself on the back for getting both yourself and your baby dressed and the laundry folded and put away today. Doesn't sound like much, but when you are doing it with one hand and a boob out for the better part of the day it is an absolutely brilliant accomplishment.

     You will be amazed at how long you can go without washing your hair. You will be surprised how little you care that your hair is filthy.

     You will find the alphabet song is stuck in your head while little else will stick in there. You will learn to shop for your entire grocery list for the week in the twenty minutes that you have between meltdowns.  These meltdowns include both the baby's and your own.  You will feel guilty a lot.

     All of these things sound negative newborn mommy, but I can't stress enough that they are not. They are all just a part of your own rebirth into a new, better version of yourself. Navigating this foreign land for the very first time will be difficult but not impossible. This new version of you is superior in every way. She is less selfish, more mature and nurturing and better at prioritizing than she has ever been before in her life. She is at once protector and teacher, cheerleader and comforter. She is and will always be the soft spot for her child to fall.

     Newborn mommy, you are going to be embarking on the most amazing adventure of your life, with more joy than you thought that your heart could contain. You are going to experience love like you have never known before and belly laughter that will melt your heart. You will experience highs to the heavens and lows that are lower than you ever thought you could fall, but during all of these times, know that you are never alone and that whatever you are feeling today, is okay.
 The mommies who have come before you

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