
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Nine Month Check-in

     On Monday my son had his 9 month check up. It's always so exciting to show my little guy off and see how much he has grown since his last visit. Upon entering the crowded waiting room, the office staff asked me to complete a questionnaire focused on my son's milestones. Can he pass a toy from hand to hand? Can he bend down from a standing position to grab a toy from the floor? It amazed me how much my little love has learned in nine short months. To see him evolve from a tiny newborn with no control over his arms to the little gentleman that I see before me is astounding. But he isn't the only one who has new skills under his belt. Mommy has learned some lessons too.

  1. I am only barely stronger physically than a nine month old child. It is amazing how easily he can knock me over from a sitting position or how difficult it is to get objects from his tiny, steel grasp. If I need him to straighten one of his thick, chubby legs I must ask him to do so and wait. Even with all of my might I cannot force those little tree trunks straight. I have learned that mommy needs some serious arm work.
  2. Baby boys discover their pee bugs early and once they do they never stop checking to make sure it's still there. I'm not sure where this fear that it has disappeared stems from, but I am certain that they never outgrow it. I have learned that in some ways, men never change.
  3. It's super exciting when your baby learns to roll over. That excitement lasts for about five minutes until you are forced to change the diaper of a rotating child. While I am always excited for milestones, I have learned to appreciate the wait.
  4. I have learned that most milestones are followed pretty quickly by tears. Example: “Oh my God, look! Archer is holding his sippy cup on his own! Oh, he hit himself in the face with it” and “Oh look! He's standing! Awwww, he fell into the couch on his face.” I have learned that growth is pain and babies are an excellent example of this.
  5. A plastic Tupperware bowl is more entertaining than any five star rated toy on Amazon. I have learned that you are better off saving your money and time. Just invest in as many of these plastic miracles as you can get your hands on. They are endless fun and relatively difficult to injure yourself on.
  6. I have learned that Archer can, in fact hurt himself with a Tupperware container.
  7. The witching hour is real and it will kick your ass every night during whichever hours your child deems to be unbearable. I had never heard of this phenomenon until I had a child but it is true, babies lose their shit every evening for no apparent reason and nothing can comfort them. I have learned that at times like these, you just remind yourself that this too shall pass and it does... eventually.
  8. Breast milk poop stains everything. I have learned to soak soiled clothes as soon as possible before washing.
  9. A baby boy can shoot urine completely across a room and can hit and follow a moving target. In Archer's case, for the first few months it was literally every time his diaper was removed. I learned to immediately cover that thing with a washcloth and lived to regret it anytime that I forgot.
  10. Yes, your boobs can always hurt worse. I have learned to respect the boobie.
  11. Baby toys are equipped with the most irritating songs and phrases on the planet. You will learn them by heart and sing them when your baby isn’t even around. I have learned to accept the phrase “It's learning time” into my internal dialogue. It's a part of me now.
  12. Bedtimes are negotiable and I'm not above letting Archer stay up later at night so that we can sleep in a few minutes longer in the morning, especially on weekends. I know that this practice may be frowned upon, I have learned that I don't care.
  13. Babies will crawl directly to the most dangerous thing in the room. I have learned to anticipate death traps before putting him down.
  14. You can do almost anything with one hand. This is not true for eating cereal, soup or steak. I have learned to identify one hand friendly foods and gravitate toward them. On the plus side, a wine glass only requires one hand.
  15. Your baby will never be smaller than he is right now. Cuddle him every single chance you get. I have learned to be grateful even when it has been a very difficult day. Someday he won't care to spend every moment on my hip and I will long for these days again.
  16. The hardest times end without you ever even realizing that they have passed into history. There are so many different things and milestones that I remember stressing over and looking up online to see when they get easier. These trials have come and gone. I rarely look things like that up anymore. I have learned that being a mom never gets easy. You roll with the punches that day. Tomorrow is tomorrow.
  17. Breastfeeding does get easier. The books and websites are correct. It takes about six weeks to stop being so difficult, then around the three or four month mark it gets easy and by six months it is second nature. And then they get teeth. I have learned that nipples are tougher than they look.
  18. A nice new outfit and an important place to go is a poop explosion waiting to happen. I have learned to always pack a second “nice” outfit unless you want your kid dressed in mismatched pajamas for pictures.
  19. Sanitize as long as you like, but germs always win in the long run. The sooner you accept this fact, the sooner you can get on with your life. I have learned that germs are a part of the family.
  20. Clothing sizes by age are worthless.
  21. I have learned that I have a great deal of control over some things and no control whatsoever over others when it comes to my child. Both are okay. By fighting to control everything you set yourself up for failure and only succeed at taking away from your enjoyment of life and your offspring's childhood. I am learning to embrace the areas of motherhood that I have no control over. This also frees up time and energy to really fixate on the things that I can control.
  22. The time literally goes by in the blink of an eye. I have learned to cherish every moment.
  23. I never knew that I could love someone so deeply and while it is a little bit terrifying and makes me feel unbelievably vulnerable to have someone in this world who I adore so much, it is the most amazing thing that I have ever experienced. I have learned that my weakness for him is a strength to my soul.
  24. And the number one thing that I have learned in my first nine months of motherhood... A piece of advice that was given to me by a very dear friend that I repeat in my mind about ten times per day, never try to make a happy baby happier. This advice has served me well many times over these past months.  When I would see my son, laying quietly with his thoughts, I would find myself mentally playing with fire thinking, “I'll bet he would like to sit up.” But then this excellent advice would pop into my head and I would stop myself. I have learned that if he is happy, for God's sake let him be.

     So, these are my personal milestones of motherhood, which I have acquired over the past nine months. I laugh when I look back to how I expected motherhood to be. It is absolutely nothing like that. It is messier, crazier and more exhausting than I could have ever imagined. But I am also a million times happier now that I am his mommy and I can't wait to see what lesson Archer has in store for me next.

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