
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Ovulation Predictor Kits... or Plastic Sticks of Despair that you Pee on

     I am a researcher. I look up everything. Anything that I wonder about, I look up. Often, this harmless curiosity inexplicably grows into a complete and total obsession.  Usually the topics are completely random and have no impact on my life. I just want to know. When I found out that this year the cicadas were coming, I obsessively looked up everything that I could about them. So much so, that if this social work thing ever falls through my plan B could be some sort of curator for a cicada exhibit in a museum. It's a behavior pattern that I have had since childhood and it has only gotten worse with age and the internet.

     At no point in my life was this pattern more apparent than when I was trying to conceive my son. I fixated on everything. I looked up everything and then I looked up more. I wanted to know every possible option that could give me an advantage over that bitch mother nature.

     Around the 6 month mark of trying to achieve pregnancy, I stumbled into the world of ovulation predictor kits. Satan's pee sticks. The most ambiguous, frustrating inventions that you will ever urinate on.

     I resisted the urge to dive into this rabbit hole for months. I knew that if I did give in, with my personality and tendencies toward utter fixation, it would likely get ugly fast. But after months of disappointment and no clear direction since I wasn't charting yet, I finally gave in and purchased my first ovulation predictor kit.

     One of the most interesting yet overwhelming parts of infertility is how much you learn about your body and the vast array of tools on the market designed to help women navigate their own reproductive systems. There are so many products out there to help you conceive that you wonder why you had to try so hard and for so long not to get pregnant. You start feeling like a fool for all of the money that you threw at birth control pills for all of those years. If I had some of that birth control money back I could buy some more sperm friendly lubricant and sticks to pee on...

     Quickly, I learned that my long standing fear of ovulation predictor kits was absolutely on point. These things are a riddle, wrapped in a puzzle, with a big middle finger drawn on them. They will make you crazy. The purpose of an ovulation predictor kit is exactly what it says, to predict when and if you will ovulate in a given month. This is far from an exact science, however. It is based off of the hormone levels in your urine. The hormones that are responsible for ovulation spike right before this event occurs. These kits are designed to indicate the level of these hormones in your urine to determine how close you are to this event. So, a few times per month, you find yourself peeing on a stick that looks exactly like a home pregnancy test, only to wait to see if a line appears indicating a hormone spike. If you see a light line, you have a small spike of hormones while a dark line reports a large spike in hormones. The problem is, hormones are fickle and ovulation tests even more so. Sometimes a light line indicates that hormones are rising OR falling, so you can test for 5 days in a row and only ever get a light line that eventually disappears while you are just standing around waiting to do the deed for the exact right moment which has now passed into worthless history for another month.

     Naturally, after using these madness inducing sticks for a few months, you begin to fixate and obsess over them. Seems reasonable, right? This is especially true if like me, you go months at a time without ever seeing a dark line, but have days and days in a row of a light line that is getting ever so slightly darker until boom, it's gone along with your sanity. So you run to your old friend, the internet. This is where the real fun starts. Here is where you learn the best part of all. Unlike with a home pregnancy test, which works best with your first morning urine, an ovulation test is actually the most accurate mid day. Ta da! Welcome to the world of peeing on a stick at work! Can life get any better?!

     For me, this involved running to the bathroom in between every therapy session to test between the hours of late morning and early afternoon, when your hormone levels are the most likely to spike. To say that this was awkward and miserable would be a gross understatement. Nothing is better than standing in your workplace bathroom trying to decipher the vague results on a tiny window on a piece of plastic that you just peed on while trying desperately to compare the subtle pink line in your indicator window with the mockingly bright example picture on the stupid box. Those smug little control lines, all dark and arrogant... F them...

     I researched everything that I could about these stupid sticks. When was the best time to test, what if you only ever got a light line, what was the success rate for women trying to conceive? I read countless reviews of which kit was the most accurate. I read blogs written by women who recommended buying these kits in bulk. They would buy them in packs of thirty, sixty, even more. I read about women who were testing ten times per day desperately trying to find a definitive answer as to whether or not they were ovulating. The best part is, even a dark line only indicates a hormone spike. That does not necessarily mean that you actually ovulated. You can get a hormone spike, only to have it not really take and no egg actually be released. You could ovulate later that month instead and not even know it because you stopped testing after the first spike. It was maddening.

     I saw chat rooms of women posting pictures of faint evaporation lines, just praying that someone would see a hormone spike somewhere in them.

     In most topics, the more I read the more progress I feel that I am making. I correct mistakes and learn other, better methods for moving forward. This was not the case with ovulation predictor kits. The more I read the more frustrated and overwhelmed I felt.

     Each kit comes with seven to eleven (depending on the brand) ovulation predictor sticks, wrapped in pink and one home pregnancy test, wrapped in purple. Positive thinking marketing at it's best... The only thing more depressing than a pile of ovulation predictor kits in your closet is the mound of unused pregnancy tests that you accumulate after months and months of using these kits without even the tiniest indication of success. For someone whose period was never even late, having a stack of home pregnancy tests fall on you every time you open your closet door is less than encouraging. It's like having a really mean spirited surprise party thrown for you every time you need a new roll of toilet paper. Surprise!!! You still don't need these!!! Have a tampon instead.

     Even with testing multiple times per day for weeks at a time, I very rarely ever saw an actual real positive on an ovulation predictor stick. It got to the point where I had myself convinced that I must not be ovulating. However, once I began charting I saw that this was not at all the case. I found these kits to be little more than a source of frustration for me. I used them for about seven months off and on, and I spent a small fortune on these kits but got little more than extra stress and a lighter wallet as a result. Maybe these kits work for some people, but you could never prove that by my experience.

     I tried to think of a positive experience that I had with these kits to end on, but I honestly couldn't think of a single one. I'm sure they have been helpful to someone, but that person is not me.  Now when I am in the store and I see one of these kits, I'm temped to buy it just for the satisfaction of setting it on fire in the parking lot. 

     I share this experience not to make an enemy out of the ovulation predictor kit companies, or to even discourage anyone else from using them. It's simply to encourage you to keep looking for the method that works for you. Maybe it will be these little sticks of despair that will lead you to your big fat positive, but if it's not, then that's okay. You will find what works for you. Just keep looking, keep researching and keep trying. And while you're at it, kick a predictor kit down the street for me!

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