I loved sleeping in my parent's bed.
I'm not sure what age I was when I was finally evicted, but I clearly
remember sleeping in my baby sister's room in a sleeping bag on the
floor when she was small enough to be in a crib, which would have
made me four years old. After that, it was both my sister and myself
tucked into sleeping bags on my parent's floor, then to my sister and
I sharing my bed in my room until I was around the age of nine or ten
as far as memory serves. Eventually I did sleep on my own, but to be
honest, I've always hated it. I love watching and reading scary
things and have always preferred a bed mate and a television on to
help with my relentless nocturnal fears.
I never pictured that I would co sleep
with my child, however. Well, that's a lie. I always knew that if
he came to me in the night, scared of a boogie man or worse, I could
never turn him away. But I always assumed it would be a bridge that
I would cross a few years down the road, once he could walk into the
room on his own accord.
Publicly, I know that the practice of
co-sleeping is somewhat frowned upon, but I also know that it is a
pretty widely used method of sleeping
in actual life, especially for nursing mothers. So for the moment, I
would like to pull back the veil of shame and share with you my
family's journey from crib to co-op.
Let me begin by saying that I am
probably one of the more paranoid people that you will ever meet.
I'm pretty much just under the mark to be diagnosable. I worry
constantly about everything. Prior to having Archer, I worried that
the hospital would give me the wrong baby. I planned to never have
him out of my sight. It turns out however, that this is not even a little bit
possible in the real world, but luckily my son came out looking like
his father's identical twin so there was no mix up possible there.
Still, when the nurses asked if I wanted him in the nursery or in my
room overnight, I knew that I would get exactly zero rest if he was
not by my side. Mama bear had already kicked in. So those first few
nights in the hospital we room shared.
By our first night at home, it already
felt incredibly strange to have him in his own room even though his
nursery is literally right off of our bedroom. It's about ten feet
from our bed through a doorway to his crib, but it felt like a world
away. I can remember feeling the most overwhelming anxiety when I
placed him in his crib and walked out of the room that first night.
It felt like my right arm had been removed and placed in another room
of my home. I watched the monitor for most of that night, terrified
that he would stop breathing and I wouldn't hear it.
And so went our first few months as
mommy and baby. Archer has never been a good sleeper but in his own
crib, his sleep was practically nonexistent. We were up six to eight
times per night in the early days and that was when feeding him and
getting him back to sleep took forever. Back in the days when I was
still recording feeding lengths on an app on my phone. New mom
stuff... Am I right? Most of those nights are a blur in my memory
of feeding, bouncing and walking Archer until he fell asleep, only to
gingerly place him in his crib for him to wake up again ten minutes
As a nursing mom, this was tough. Jim
offered to help, but honestly, unless he had devised some sort of
hose invention that could attach to both a baby and a boob, we were
out of luck and I saw no reason for us both to be awake. So it was
just me and my little guy, working the late shift together every
Through it all, my fears continued.
What if he cried and I didn't hear him, what if he got kidnapped
during the night or every mother's worst fear, SIDS? I felt restless
with worry during the brief and shining moments when he wasn't awake,
so sleep still eluded me, even then.
Something had to give but I didn't know
what. Our room was too small to room share or to even get one of
those cool off the bedside bassinets, so our options were to either
have Archer in the bed in our room with us, or off in a crib in his
nursery. At the time he just seemed too little to me to have in bed
with us. I was terrified that one of us would roll over on him. I
just couldn't bring myself to try co-sleeping. Eventually however,
out of sheer exhaustion my walls began to crack. As with so many
wars since the dawn of time, it began with an early morning
surrender. Jim got out of bed for work everyday at 6:30, so after
this feeding I began putting Archer in bed with me and we would
finally get some much needed, glorious sleep. With my little lovie
asleep next to me, I could finally relax and drift into actual sleep.
It felt amazing.
When Archer was almost three months
old, we attended a family wedding in New Jersey. It was Archer's
first trip and the sleep situation weighed heavily on my mind. We
decided to take his Pack N Play with us so that he could sleep in it
in the hotel room. Our bed there was huge. While my husband, who
was best man in the wedding attended the rehearsal and a dinner
following, my little buddy and I settled in for the night to relax.
It was just me and my baby, away from
home for the first time. It felt exciting yet slightly
uncomfortable. Something about us being alone and out of our usual
element made me feel slightly vulnerable. As is so often the case,
nursing brought me as much comfort as I think it did Archer. It felt
familiar and safe. As we lay there waiting for my husband to get
back to the room, we practiced our newest skill of laying down while
nursing and for the first time ever, this technique went beautifully
culminating in my little lovie falling sound asleep on the large,
king sized bed.
I cuddled up with him and felt my
entire body relax. For the first time, we co-slept for an entire
night and it was the best night's sleep I had had since his birth.
So that was it. I had a taste of co-sleeping and I liked it. A lot. I could finally relax, listening to
his breath while I was sleeping and for the first time in months I
was not anxious as night approached. Sleeping next to me, Archer
didn't even need to cry to let me know that he was hungry. In fact,
we both barely had to wake up at all for him to eat. Usually, we
both fall back asleep mid meal, in fact.
It was the first time that I woke up
feeling well rested in the morning since he was born and ever since I
have been unable to bring myself to banish Archer back to his crib.
The thought has crossed my mind... Usually when I see the
disapproving glances of other mothers or come across one of the
absolutely gut-wrenching stories of when co sleeping goes wrong. I
do know the safety concerns and as a result, I have been careful to
follow the rules suggested for making co-sleeping as safe for Archer
as possible.
It has been suggested to me that maybe
co-sleeping is more comforting to me than it is necessary for him.
Maybe so, but Archer seems to be a pretty big fan of our set-up too.
I think all men prefer sleeping close to their favorite food. I love
when he opens his eyes, then sees me there, gives a little smile and
drifts back off to sleep. I love when I feel his little arm in the
dark reach for me to be sure that I'm still there, or feel him grab my shoulder, asking
for a midnight snack. I think back to the years and tears
that I spent waiting for him to get here, thinking the day would
never come when I would hold him in my arms. I kiss his little head
all night, just thanking God that he is here.
I know the day will come soon enough
when I will be up at night worrying because he is out driving around
with his friends and I cherish this time when he is little. When he
wants nothing more than to be curled up with his mama. I have suffered
from frequent nightmares most of my life. Now, they are primarily related to the scenes that are
described to me at work on a daily basis. Nothing feels better than
waking up from a brutal nightmare to curl up in my husband's strong
arms. Nothing makes me feel safer. I love the idea that when
Archer has a nightmare, he won't wake up in a dark room alone. He
will wake up with his mom on one side and his father on the other,
ready and willing for comfort and cuddle him.
I plan to make a big deal of making him
a big boy room with a big boy bed when the time is right, but I don't
see me forcing him out of my room. I'm sure he will fly out of the
nest on his own before he is a teenager. I have no worries there.
is definitely not right for everyone and that is okay. But it is
the stuff of very
sweet dreams for my little family.
Great blog entry Stace. I since day 1 have put her in her crib. She's always been a great sleeper, but there's nothing like feeling her breath or her warm touch that keeps us both at ease. She sleeps with me 1 or 2 nights a week depending on the situation. I cherish it. Because one day she is gonna just ask for the keys, be gone with her friends and the cuddling will subside. Bravo, Stacey. Bravo.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!! Awwwww. She will probably be driving archer around someday and you and I can sit up worrying together. Lol